This saying is used when too many people are involved in the same task or when too many people work together on the same project, implying that the final result will not be good. This expression alludes at a possible lack of communication between the cooks, each adding, perhaps, salt or another ingredient to a […]
The early bird catches the worm
“The early bird catches the worm” is advice to someone that success or the advantage over others comes to those who prepare well and put in effort to take the earliest opportunity to do something, or to advise someone to do something immediately. Be the first to get our new posts. Subscribe to our blog […]
To let the cat out of the bag
“To let the cat out of the bag” is used when someone unintentionally or accidentally reveals a secrets or a surprise. Be the first to get our new posts. Subscribe to our blog If you found this Post interesting or useful, let others know about it. We love your feedback and welcome your comments, and […]
An apple a day keeps the doctor away
This saying basically promotes the idea that eating apples will make you healthier, and as a result you won’t need to call or go to the doctor as often. Apples contain Vitamin C, which aids the immune system, and reduces cholesterol. Apples can also reduce tooth decay. Be the first to get our new posts. […]
In through one ear and out of the other
In through one ear and out of the other is used to say that someone does not remember what you say or pay attention to it as the do not heed or acting on the information given. It also describe someone who appears to listen or concentrate to something but then does not remember what […]